Sadhana Shakti

Founder or skanda yoga studio and co -creator of skanda yoga style
Sadhana is a teacher in the word’s most profound sense – throughout all aspects of life.
Miami, FL 33129
(786) 567-8124

Sadhana Shakti is a teacher in the deepest sense of the word, in all aspects of life, she is a public speaker, a teacher of spirituality and the power of transformation, each individual who approaches her is met with absolute attention, compassion and integrity.
Sadhana currently leads yoga teacher trainings and workshops in English and Spanish, moon celebrations, and guided meditations. She has trained over 350 new teachers in the Skanda Yoga style and has conducted spiritual retreats in India and South America.
Balancing science and spirituality, it is firmly rooted in the origins of the transformative practice of yoga and bhakti yoga, reiki energy work, South American shamanic traditions, crystals and essential oils, numerology, energy work, mantra, breath work and meditation to heal trauma. Her vast experience is greatly appreciated in today’s ever-evolving world of yoga.

Sadhana’s continuous studies include:

• A decade of learning shamanic healing in South America in his youth, which became the foundation of his spiritual path.
• Long periods of time in India, practicing Vedic rituals and the path of devotional yoga, together with self-realized yogic masters.
• Learn the ancient Mayan culture from the Mayan priests, study the Mayan calendar and its power of transformation through cyclical patterns in nature. ,
• Always with one foot in the east and the other in the west, Sadhana finds inspiration from him at the intersection of science and spirituality. Over the past ten years or so, he has gained a solid understanding of the principles of neuroscience: how the brain can be rewired, and the implications that has for healing and change.


  • Skanda Yoga® RYT 500 – 2008
  • 22 Skanda Yoga® Teacher Trainings
  • Reiki Master – 2013
  • Iridiology – 2008
  • Theta Healing – 2007
  • The Gaiadon Heart – 2007
  • Thai Massage – 2005
  • Anusara Yoga 2004 – 2007
  • Ashtanga Yoga 1999 – 2004
  • Shamanic Healing – 2004
  • Chakra Balance (oils & stones) – 2002
  • Life Journey (Numerology) – 2001
  • Crystal Healing – 2001
  • Meditation and Mindfullness – 2000
  • Moon Circles– 2000

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at, neque. Vivamus eget nibh. Etiam cursus leo vel metus.

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