Vanessa Canizalez

Yoga Teacher
Vanessa did her first yoga class in 2015 as she wanted to find mind balance & body flexibility.
Miami, FL 33129
(786) 567-8124

Vanessa did her first yoga class in 2015 as she wanted to find mind balance & body flexibility. With time she found it so positive and exciting that it slowly became a routine in her life.
Yoga for her means “the possibility to create space, the power to play free from obstacles and the ability of having conscious movements & more control of our bodies with a consistent practice”.
While still being a student, this time as a teacher, her goal is to share what she is learning with others and introduce them into the yoga path. She strives in combining healthy dynamic movement, breathing and positive state of mind for all practitioners who decide joining her class.

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Vestibulum libero nisl, porta vel, scelerisque eget, malesuada
at, neque. Vivamus eget nibh. Etiam cursus leo vel metus.

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  • Cursus eleifend elit
  • Aenean auctor wisi