Lolin Poleo

Yoga Teacher
Dahyana she credits yoga for her personal growth and limitless progress. 
Passion, dedication, and commitment are her principles to achieve dreams in life, so come and learn together.
Miami, FL 33129
(786) 567-8124

Born on May 17, 1964, in Maracaibo, Edo. Zulia, Venezuela, Maria Poleo, fondly known as Lolin, embarked on a journey that would lead her to discover her passion for Ashtanga Yoga.

Growing up in the vibrant and culturally rich environment of Maracaibo, Lolin spent the first 40 years of her life as an avid runner. This discipline not only kept her physically fit but also instilled in her a sense of perseverance and dedication.

However, as fulfilling as running was, Lolin found herself seeking a practice that offered not only physical engagement but also spiritual depth and a sense of purpose that could resonate through her daily life. Her quest led her to the world of Ashtanga Yoga in 2014, a practice known for its potency and transformative qualities.

Over the past nine years, Lolin has immersed herself in Ashtanga Yoga, embracing its principles and allowing it to shape her life. This practice has not only offered her the tranquility and spiritual enrichment she was seeking but also marked a new chapter in her journey, one that harmoniously blends physical discipline with inner peace.

Today, Lolin continues her dedicated practice of Ashtanga Yoga, embodying its teachings and carrying with her the rich experiences of her life in Venezuela and her transformative journey through yoga.