Una Gran Aventura…

Una de las más grandes aventuras de mi vida fue salir de mi país a Estados Unidos. Llegue en 1999 a Miami en una producción con Mauricio Velez fotógrafo muy famoso en mi país. Apenas llegue a este lugar sabía que me quedaba y lo volvería eso implicaba muchos desafíos ya que no tenía dinero, papeles para trabajar, idioma ni conocía a nadie. Dejando dos hijos en Colombia le tire al vacío con los ojos cerrados y Dios en su infinita dulzura puso poco a poco a cada persona, situación y oportunidad para que yo pudiera poco a poco ir conquistando todas mis metas de una manera milagrosa.

Mis hijos llegaron y para ese momento yo ya era entrenadora personal uno de mis primeros sueños al llegara este país. Tanto desafíos me llevo a un des balance a todo nivel comía sin control, mis pensamientos desorbitados y mi mundo emocional muy alterado. Allí fue donde un día llegue a una clase de yoga!! Ese día casi me di cuenta lo mucho que necesitaba de esa práctica y que lejos estaba de Alcázar esa paz Que prometía. Mi primera clase fue una inmediata resistencia a todo no tenía flexibilidad, mi mente me Enloquecía y sentía unas gran impulso de salir corriendo además de vomito y malestar. Sin darme cuenta yoga me abrazo y nunca me dejes ir por mas que yo medio lo odiaba por lo difícil. Que era pra mi en todo nivel.

Cada clase estaba furiosa y no quería volver pero mejor amigo Ivan me pedía que no lo. Dejará u que insistiera en asistir. Al poco tiempo mi Maestra Ceci Lester me dijo «serás maestra de yoga» y yo pensé que eres un chiste pero la realidad fue que en 6 meses ya estaba totalmente dedicocada a esta práctica que se había convertido en mi hogar. Me enamore del yoga y empecé a compartirlo con todos y fui sanando a medida que lo Enseñaba. Varía personas me animaron a seguir y persiguiendo en mi algo que yo misma no entendía me convertí en maestra antes que pudiera ni pensarlo y nunca lo Dejé. Empecé aprender de los mejores maestros que gracias a Dios se cruzaron en mi camino aprendí muchos aspectos del yoga y he tenido la fortuna de vivir en este espacio por los últimos 22 años.

Un día recuerdo pedirle a Dios que me ayudara a ser la mejor profesora de yoga del mundo y fue donde conocí a mi maestro de yoga Anand el a sido mi más grande influencia en mi desarrollo físico mental y espiritual apoyando mi estilo de vida y cambiando conmigo los profundos y misteriosos caminos de l mente y el alma. Después de unos años nos enamoramos y ahora compartimos una vida basada en esta filosofia de vida.Llevamos 15 años compartiendo una vida de amor y luz en Acción. Creamos una técnica y estilo llamado Skanda yoga , donde incorporamos todos los conocimientos y anand pudo de una forma venir plasma y organizar estos conceptos en un estilo definido organizado y con sentido logrando una técnica avanzada de transformación y alineacion con el universo y Dios.

Por hoy los dos invertimos nuestro tiempo en nuestros estudio en Miami entrenando grupos clases privadas, certificación para maestros en 2 idiomas y retiros espirituales por todo el mundo. A esto le llamamos amor y luz en acción 😍❤️🙏🏼❤️

My painful and difficult beginnings

One day lost in memory, motivated by conflict situations with my partner in Cali, I made a decision with a hint of adventure, not knowing what the mist of the future could hide from me, but determined to try a change of course on the route of destiny . This was the decision to travel to the United States. I arrived in Miami in 1999 in a production with Mauricio Vélez, a very famous photographer in Colombia. I don’t know why, but as soon as I stepped foot in this beautiful city I knew that I would stay here. In addition, he could not think of returning because he had no money, no work documents, he had language problems and above all, he did not know anyone.

Leaving my two small children in Colombia I threw myself into the void with my eyes closed, but God, in his infinite goodness, little by little, put the right person, the required situation and the manifest opportunity on my way, so that I could, slowly but surely, to conquer my goals. This was a true and incredible miracle. Life was smiling at me and my path was clearing. A loving light illuminated me, indicating the path on which I should advance. Soon I brought my children Andrés Felipe and Valentina, when I was already working as a personal trainer. I had realized one of my first dreams when I arrived in this country. But these first months had meant breaking uncertainties, clarifying doubts and overcoming so many challenges that were leading me towards a general imbalance of my personality. I was eating uncontrollably, my thoughts were wild, and my emotional world had been greatly altered.

In those moments God extends his fatherly hands to me again. One day, without planning or thinking about it, I came to a yoga class! There I realized how much this practice could help me, but how far I was from achieving the peace that yoga promised. In the first class I felt that a great feeling of resistance took hold of my mind because to the novelty of the system was added the fact that I had no physical flexibility, my mind was driving me crazy and I felt a great impulse to run away, leave the place, all this accompanied by the urge to vomit and nervous discomfort. But in the end and without realizing it, yoga enveloped me with its wisdom and from that moment on it has never left me. I managed to overcome the awe that took hold of me when I saw how difficult it seemed for me to climb to levels of greater perfection.

At first, the classes put me in a bad temper and I even thought about not going back, but my best friend Iván asked me to keep going until I found a path more adjusted to my pretensions. One day my teacher Ceci Lester told me «you will be a yoga teacher». I thought she meant it as a joke, but her prediction turned out to be correct. In six months I had managed to fully indulge in this practice and the yoga room had become my second home. This is how I fell in love with yoga and started sharing it with everyone. This is how I managed to heal as I imparted the acquired knowledge. Several people encouraged me with their kind comments and thus, searching within myself for something that at first I did not understand, I became a teacher. This was something he had never imagined. These achievements have led me to the conviction that I will never abandon these life teachings in search of perfection.

Since these beginnings, 22 years have passed, in which the best teachers have crossed my path. I have learned many aspects of yoga from them as a fortunate result of living in this space of meditation and joy. One day I dare to ask God for her help to become the best yoga teacher in the world and it was in those days that I met my yoga teacher Anand. He has had a great influence on my physical, mental and spiritual development; He has supported my lifestyle and led me down the deep and mysterious paths of the mind and soul.

After a few years we fell in love and now we share a life based on this philosophy of life. We have been sharing a life of Love and Light in Action for 15 years. We created a technique and style called Skanda Yoga, where we incorporate all the knowledge. Anand captured and organized these concepts within a defined style, managing to design an advanced technique of transformation and alignment with the universe and with God. We soon decided to invest our time, our resources and our studies in a Yoga room in Miami, where we currently train groups in private classes, we carry out certification courses for teachers in 2 languages ​​and we conduct spiritual retreats all over the world.

We call this Love and Light in Action