India Yoga Retreat
October 14th - 29th 2023
Cost: $4200
We are making our third pilgrimage to the sacred mountain in Palani that is the main destination site for devotees of Skanda. This will be a bhakti (devotion) fueled retreat with lots of spiritual work. We will also be visiting the sacred Arunchala mountain, the ashram of Maharishi, the largest Murugan statue in the world (146ft), and the final resting place of our guru – Shri Mahasiddhar Kodi Thatha.
This trip will include 100 hours of advanced Teacher Training (CE credits) for those that have completed a 200hr teacher training program. This will be one section of the Skanda Yoga 300hr Teacher Training. The course will cover teaching Skanda Yoga sequences, adjustments, advance work with props, decoding Hindu mythology, the stories behind asanas, and worship of the Mother Goddess.
We will have 5-star accommodations and the cost includes room, food, transportation and training. This retreat is for anyone with an adventurous spirit that has a deep desire to learn and grow as an individual. This trip is not for people that are attached to their personal routines or who have fear of the unknown. If you are unsure if this trip is right for you then please feel free to contact us with your questions or concerns.
Sign-up deadline: December 25th
Deposit $800 (non-refundable after Jan 14th)
Cost: $4200
Sadhana: 7864877123
Anand: 3057731911
Trip Details:
Feb 18th: Arrive in Chennai
Feb 20-24: Pondicherry
Feb 24-28 Tiruvanamali
March 1-4: Palani
Departure from Chennai March 4th or Coimbatore International Airport