Immersion Skanda Yoga Studio

Cost: $1200

Room: Skanda Yoga Studio
  • Jan 15th: Intro. To Skanda Yoga Philosophy and Maya Calendar
  • Jan 16th: Sun Salutations: in-depth technique and modifications
  • Jan 22nd: Standing Poses: finding the right alignment for your body type
  • Jan 23rd: Inversions: Learn how to progress by using the wall and cross-training techniques
  • Jan 29th: Backbends: overcoming fear of the unknown
  • Jan 30th: Pranayama and Meditation
  • Feb 5th: Hip-openers, twists, and forward folds: learn modifications to work toward challenging poses
  • Feb 6th: Chakras, energy body, and restorative yoga

The Immersion program is designed for students that want to learn more about yoga without committing to the teacher training program.

This is an excellent program to learn in-depth alignment and technique that will take your practice to another level. The course will also cover pranayama (conscious breathing techniques) and meditation. Classes will be on weekends 3-6pm.

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